اطلاعیه تصمیم اعطای قرارداد؛ 93500 لیتر تیل دیزل
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State Ministry for Disaster Management Authority will transfer 2000 metric tone wheat under the ANDMA/NCB/98/S - 2 volunteer number from Pulkhomry ensiling to the Disaster Department of . . .
According to the second part of 43 logistic law, State Ministry for Disaster Management Authority will submit the contract of transferring 4000 metric wheat from the center ensiling in . . .
ANDMA/NCB/98/S - 27Subject: volunteer announcement of transferring the 2000 metric tone wheat to the Takhar Province ANDMA/NCB/98/S - 27
In accordance with your usual partnership please . . .
Validity time : 25 up to 26 May 2022
:Possibility of Heavy Dust and wind gust forecasted for the following provinces
Kunduz, mazar e sharif, Faryab, Badghis, Jawzjan, Herat, Farah, . . .