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ANDMA and the World Food Programme (WFP) had a Technical Meeting for Join Cooperation
Today in morning, the third technical meeting regarding joint cooperation between Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority and the World Food Programme (WFP) took place. The meeting was attended by key officials, including Mulla Mohammad Jawed Abbas, Head of Planning and Policy; Burhanuddin Khan, Acting Head of the International Relations Department; Abdul Rab Mubarak, Director of. . .
The UN Offices in Afghanistan Promised to Provide Humanitarian Aid for Victims of Recent Floods
On Thursday morning, an emergency meeting was convened to address the plight of those impacted by the recent floods. The session was chaired by Alhaj Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, the Acting. . .
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Rapidiously fabricate e-business platforms before fully tested human capital. Continually predominate ubiquitous models and clicks-and-mortar paradigms. Competently harness one-to-one. . .
Appropriately syndicate extensible content for plug-and-play resources. Continually morph diverse products before interactive deliverables. Professionally harness open-source e-business. . .
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Energistically deploy tactical infomediaries after cutting-edge "outside the box" thinking. Quickly grow distributed services vis-a-vis B2C communities. Competently innovate tactical. . .
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ANDMA and the World Food Programme (WFP) had a Technical Meeting for Join Cooperation
Today in morning, the third technical meeting regarding joint cooperation between Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority and the World Food Programme (WFP) took place. The. . .
The UN Offices in Afghanistan Promised to Provide Humanitarian Aid for Victims of Recent Floods
On Thursday morning, an emergency meeting was convened to address the plight of those impacted by the recent floods. The session was chaired by Alhaj Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, the Acting. . .
An MoU of Joint Cooperation worth 398,168$ was Signed between ANDMA and the HIHAO Organisation
Today, in morning, the Acting Head of Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority, Alhaj Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, met with the Executive Director of the Hand in Hand Organization. . .
The Officials of ANDMA and the World Food Programme (WFP) had a Technical Meeting regarding joint cooperation
Today, On Thursday morning, a technical meeting on joint cooperation between the Officials of Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority and the World Food Programme was held in. . .
The Acting Head of Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the General Director of the Norwegian Committee for Afghanistan worth $709,715
Today, in afternoon, the Acting Head of Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority, Alhaj Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, met with the General Director of the Norwegian Committee for. . .
A cooperation Memorandom of Understanding worth $1,224,242 was Signed between ANMDA and DRC Foundation
Today, on Monday, the Acting Head of Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority, Alhaj Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, met with the delegation led by Dania Al-Sharif, the Head of the. . .
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Validity time : 25 up to 26 May 2022
:Possibility of Heavy Dust and wind gust forecasted for the following provinces
Kunduz, mazar e sharif, Faryab, Badghis, Jawzjan, Herat, Farah, . . .