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Tue, Sep 29 2020 2:28 PM
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Validity time: 29 upto 30 September 2020
Possibility of rain and flash flood forecasted for the following province:
Kunar, Nuristan, Laghman, Kapisa, Panjshir, Parwan, Kabul, Nangarhar. . .

Sun, Aug 30 2020 10:07 AM
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Mr. Ghulam Bahauddin Jilani's parents arrived in Logar province on Saturday morning (8th of hunger).

In the first trip of the government minister Bahauddin Jilani, the governor of Logar Mohammad Ajmal Shahpour, the president of the provincial council, Hasibullah Stanikzai, the deputy. . .

Thu, Jul 02 2020 11:35 AM
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H.E. Ghulam Bahaudin Jailani had a 5-day visit to western provinces of Herat, Badghis, and Ghor

The aim of the mission was to visit the natural disaster-prone areas, to meet with the local authorities, representatives of the disaster affected and ND+Conflict induced IDPs and to. . .

Tue, Jun 23 2020 10:18 AM
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H.E. Ghulam Bahaudin Jailani had a courtesy meeting with Stuart Simpson IOM of Chief of Mission in Afghanistan

In the meeting, Mr. Stuart Simpson congratulated H.E. the minister’s appointment as State Minister for Disaster Management and added: Broadly IOM is working in two areas being Migration. . .

Sun, Jun 14 2020 11:03 AM
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H.E. Ghulam Bahaudin Jailani had a courtesy meeting with Shodmon Hajibekov CEO of Agha Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH)

H.E. Ghulam Bahaudin Jailani, State Minister for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Affairs met with Shodmon Hajibekov, CEO of AKAH, and discussed on a range of topics of mutual. . .

Sun, Jun 14 2020 9:29 AM
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H.E. Ghulam Bahaudin Jailani appreciated valuable efforts of Ms. Fiona Gall Director of ACBAAR.

H.E. Ghulam Bahaudin Jailani, State Minister for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Affairs expressed utmost appreciation for the valuable initiatives of Ms. Fiona Gall during her. . .

Mon, Jun 01 2020 9:57 AM
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Cash and in-kind assistance were distributed to the recent natural disaster affected people of Badakhshan Province

H.E. Ghulam Bahaudin Jailani, State Minister for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Affairs during his visit to Badakhshan Province along with Mohammad Zakaria Sawda governor,. . .


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Wed, May 25 2022 1:34 PM
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Validity time : 25 up to 26 May 2022
:Possibility of Heavy Dust and wind gust  forecasted for the following provinces
Kunduz, mazar e sharif, Faryab, Badghis, Jawzjan, Herat, Farah, . . .