The Head of ANDMA introduced the Five-Year Strategic Plan for Disaster Management in the presence of the Officials of Islamic Emarat and other Organisations

Tue, Feb 04 2025 5:09 PM
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Today in morning, on Tuesday, the Acting Head of Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority, Alhaj Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, introduced the five-year strategic plan for disaster management in the presence of officials from Islamic Emirate Organisations and other assisting organizations.
The program, which began with the recitation of several blessed verses of Holy Quran, included participation from the Ministries of Interior, Foreign Affairs, National Defense, Public Health, Public Welfare, Agriculture and Irrigation, Mines and Petroleum, Education, Urban Development, Economy, Finance, Refugees, Hajj and Religious Affairs, Telecommunications, along with the Red Crescent, Environmental Protection, the Statistics and Information Authority, professors from Kabul University and representatives from IOM, UNICEF, King Salman, IFRC, CWSA, REHA, NAMA, the European Union, and the Aga Khan Foundation.
At the outset, Abdulrahman Hashimi, the representative of CWSA, provided information about the program, stating that this organization had assisted in preparing both the previous and current strategic plans and would continue its cooperation with this authority.
Meanwhile, the acting head of Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority warmly welcomed the guests and thanked REHA and CWSA for their cooperation in drafting the plan. He noted that the formulation of the five-year strategic plan had gone through various stages and included the views of all related Emirate agencies and cooperating organizations.
Turabi Sahb stated that this plan was structured around five key areas: prevention and risk reduction, preparedness, response, recovery, and mine clearance operations. He emphasized that this authority is a humanitarian organization and should continue its activities free from political issues. He also urged the assisting organizations to continue their cooperation in the implementation phase, just as they had helped in the planning phase, and not to leave the authority alone.
He assured transparency and swift action by the authority, clarifying that they have close relations with the organizations and wish to strengthen these ties further.
Simultaneously, Takashi Kamino, the head of CWSA, in a video message from Japan, likened the geographical positions of Afghanistan and Japan in terms of natural disasters and committed that his organization would assist in implementing the five-year strategic plan for disaster management.
Finally, after several important presentations, the five-year strategic plan was officially introduced by Alhaj Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, the acting head of Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority, and the meeting concluded with prayers for blessings.

February 4th, 2025
Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority - ANDMA

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