Head of Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority Meets with Deputy of the International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Mon, Jan 27 2025 8:58 PM
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Today, on Monday, Alhaj Mullah Nooruddin Turabi, the acting head of Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority, met with Yitiah Skoon, Deputy of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Yaseen Al-Hamdani, Program Officer, Adnan Baghti, Humanitarian Access Officer, Muhammad Saleem Khalid, Communications Officer of the organization, and their colleagues Abdul Majeed Noori and Muhammad Omar Hashemi at his office.
At the meeting, Turabi Sahb welcomed the IOM delegation and stated that this organization has always collaborated with us in providing humanitarian and technical assistance, for which we express our special gratitude. He emphasized the importance of continued collaboration in the future.
He also expressed his appreciation for IOM's three-month survey and data collection efforts regarding climate change and highlighted that a larger number of people in Afghanistan have been affected and are in urgent need of substantial assistance.
Meanwhile, Yitiah Skoon, Deputy of IOM, thanked the acting head of Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority for hosting the meeting and mentioned that this authority has always cooperated with us in mitigating both natural and unnatural disasters. He assured that IOM will continue to stand alongside the authority.
Furthermore, Yaseen Al-Hamdani, Program Officer at IOM, stated that comprehensive research had been conducted on the damages caused by climate change, with full cooperation from the officials of this authority across 34 provinces. He added that this research was carried out with the participation of 500 staff members in 62,917 villages, collecting data on the impacts of climate change from 93,033 individuals.
At the end of the session, the data collected over three months by IOM was presented to the authority’s staff in the form of a presentation. It was agreed that joint sessions between the technical committee of the authority and IOM would be held in the coming days.

December 27th, 2025
Afghanistan National Disaster Management Authority - ANDMA

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