Decision declaration for submitting contract

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Closing Date
According to the second part of 43 logistic law, State Ministry for Disaster Management Authority will submit the contract of transferring 4000 metric wheat from the center ensiling in Ministry of Agriculture, irrigation to the Urozgan province under the NDMA/NCB/S-17 volunteer number and to the Sahil International Transportation company with D-05-156 recertification number in 13960000Afg
Unfeigned and appointed individuals that has any objection in this case can deliver their objections along with their reasons based on the 70 article of logistic law till 7 days after posting this declaration to the State Ministry for Disaster Management Authority located on 4th street of Sherpoor Kabul – Afghanistan
This announcement is not mean of contraction, so till completing the legal upcoming process it will not concluded.
With many respect
Matiullah Safi
Finance and Admin deputy of
State Ministry for Disaster Management Authority